Workflows that feel like sorcery for motion designers who wish they had more time
Battle Axe began as a small, independent design and animation studio in Atlanta, Georgia, specializing in broadcast post-production. During its 7 year incarnation, the focus became more about enabling collaborators, producers, studios and networks to work more effectively.
In 2016 Battle Axe (the production studio) closed its doors, started a website and reopened as a tool development studio. This new Battle Axe would help shape and share a vision of what motion design could be.
A tool should empower a skilled human to do better work than was previously possible. A tool should inspire and be a joy to use. It should not toot its own horn or become a gimmick.
Artists make great art, not tools.
We create products that we enjoy using everyday. We make tools that help us do work faster, because there are more important things in life than sitting in front of a computer. So finish your work and go do those things. Or do more work. Whatever. It's your life.
the alchemist
My name is Adam Plouff (sounds like fluff). I’m a designer and animator who also likes math for whatever reason. I believe that making good animation takes a lot of time and the weirdos who do this stuff for a living should have a strong set of tools to help bring a project to life.
I am interested in coffee, metal (doom, death, black, etc), modular synthesis, runes, incantations, wife, child, vikings, and learning to preserve my corporeal form through sleep and light exercise.
I used to dev tools for Google but now get to spend my time here. And I like that.
the oracle
I’m Ash Plouff (sounds like tough). I am the merchomancer and ruler of tangible artifacts –nice to meet you.
When I am not shipping orders and keeping things organized around here, I am easily found playing Pokemon or trying to keep up with a middle school student (skibidi toilet?). I attempt to identify all the neighborhood birds, press flowers, and have an affinity for paper products and pens of all sorts. I love to cosplay and I run through anime like an olympic sprinter.
I have 100 percented Breath of the Wild. Seriously.
the scholar
I’m Jake Bartlett (like the pear). I’m an animator and educator here to inspire you to be more creative and efficient in your day-to-day workflow. I think the tools we use to create should allow us to create more freely. Understanding how the tools work and how best to use them is a great way to get to that creative freedom.
I enjoy making espresso drinks, woodworking, and baking sourdough bread. My creativity is fueled by coffee, lego bricks, and “Weird Al” Yankovic.
I was homeschooled.
We are a tiny, remote company of 3 people who love to make (and help others make) art.
This is us in 2023, talking about how we work together.
We love you. Thank you for supporting us.
Companions and office mates who distract us in the best way possible.