








Powerfully manage the group layers created when transferring elements as split layers. Groups are created as parents and controllers to the visible art.

Designs on this page by David Stanfield @ Igor and Valentine


You expect me to click a button for a native Ae function?


This version of precomping works with all selected layers, but works really well with Overlord guide layers. With a guide layer selected, the Precomp button will grab all the child layers and trim the nested comp to the dimensions of the group layer.

Any transform keyframes on the parent group will be moved to the new precomp layer so Precomp and Decomp as much as your project needs.


You expect me to click a button for a native Ae function?


This version of precomping works with all selected layers, but works really well with Overlord guide layers. With a guide layer selected, the Precomp button will grab all the child layers and trim the nested comp to the dimensions of the group layer.

Any transform keyframes on the parent group will be moved to the new precomp layer so Precomp and Decomp as much as your project needs.


You expect me to click a button for a native Ae function?


This version of precomping works with all selected layers, but works really well with Overlord guide layers. With a guide layer selected, the Precomp button will grab all the child layers and trim the nested comp to the dimensions of the group layer.

Any transform keyframes on the parent group will be moved to the new precomp layer so Precomp and Decomp as much as your project needs.

Precomp and trim

New in 2.5.0

Just like precomping a group layer, selecting multiple layers will now precomp and trim to the bounds of all the layers.

Precomp and trim

New in 2.5.0

Just like precomping a group layer, selecting multiple layers will now precomp and trim to the bounds of all the layers.

Precomp and trim

New in 2.5.0

Just like precomping a group layer, selecting multiple layers will now precomp and trim to the bounds of all the layers.


Decompose the layers of a precomp just like un-grouping layers in Illustrator. Nested layers are moved into the primary comp, and if this is the only instance of the precomp, the precomp will be removed from the project.


Decompose the layers of a precomp just like un-grouping layers in Illustrator. Nested layers are moved into the primary comp, and if this is the only instance of the precomp, the precomp will be removed from the project.


Decompose the layers of a precomp just like un-grouping layers in Illustrator. Nested layers are moved into the primary comp, and if this is the only instance of the precomp, the precomp will be removed from the project.

Toggle visibility

Toggle the visibility of all the Overlord created group layers in a comp.

Groups are invisible guide layers rectangles that you wont see, but they can make it challenging to select the visible art in the comp.

Toggle visibility

Toggle the visibility of all the Overlord created group layers in a comp.

Groups are invisible guide layers rectangles that you wont see, but they can make it challenging to select the visible art in the comp.

Toggle visibility

Toggle the visibility of all the Overlord created group layers in a comp.

Groups are invisible guide layers rectangles that you wont see, but they can make it challenging to select the visible art in the comp.

Delete groups

Trash all the group layers in a comp that were created by Overlord.

The system knows which layers are Overlord groups by a single rectangle property inside of them so don't worry about accidentally removing your art.

Delete groups

Trash all the group layers in a comp that were created by Overlord.

The system knows which layers are Overlord groups by a single rectangle property inside of them so don't worry about accidentally removing your art.

Delete groups

Trash all the group layers in a comp that were created by Overlord.

The system knows which layers are Overlord groups by a single rectangle property inside of them so don't worry about accidentally removing your art.