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Figma workflow
Figma workflow
New in 2.4.0
The core mechanic of Overlord is moving layer into After Effects and the first button slot is dedicated to this action. The button changes based on which app you are working in:
selections from Figmapull
a selection into Ae
The main workflow in Illustrator pretty much the same. More about Illustrator →
From inside of Figma, push selected shapes to After Effects.
Grouped shapes will be build as individual layers
Loose shapes on an frame will be built as individual layers
Text layers will be created as individual layers
From inside of After Effects, pull selected shapes to Figma.
Pulling shapes works exactly like Pushing but may be used to clarify into which Ae comp Overlord will build layers.
Layer splitting
An alternate to the standard transfer method is to Split all elements into their own Ae layer. The grouping hierarchy of Illustrator will be recreated in After Effects with a parenting chain and empty group layers (kinda like Voids).
This process intentionally creates a lot of layers to provide the most flexibility for animation. Manage the group layers with actions in the Groups section.
Single layer
New in 2.4.0
Build up layers in Ae as needed by combining multiple selected shapes into single layers from multiple vector shapes. Select multiple elements and Overlord will do it's best to create a single layer in Ae.
Vector shapes typically work great when combined into a single shape layer, but it is not always possible to create a single shape layer in After Effects. Layers that cannot be combined:
Precomp frames

Figma has the amazing ability to nest frames within other frames. By default, these frames become parent groups layers within Ae, and may be managed with the Groups actions. Enabling this option will automatically precomp all selected frames, including the hierarchy of frames as nested precomps.
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